Rare Coverage that Protects You When Nothing Else Does!
PRIME & ACE and Uninsured Liability
Nobody likes to think of all the risks in life. But the fact is that the unthinkable happens. PRIME presents ACE’s High Value Home Insurance that gives more than coverage you need to protect the exclusive worth of your home. At your side when you are at home or away, it empowers you when nothing else does.
Case Scenario A
Facing the spectacular view of the Swiss Alps, the famous resort’s outdoor deck suddenly collapsed, propelling 20 tourists to a treacherous fall. While the hotel was insured for $1 million in losses, this tragedy resulted in 1 death, 1 life-altering injury and 18 others hurt in varying degree. It was certain that all victims or their families would sue for a minimum of $1 million each.
Consequence 1:
With only $1 million of liability insurance, the Swiss resort owner would confront a catastrophic financial crisis.
Consequence 2:
If this resort owner had PRIME’s ACE high-Value Homeowner Policy the owner of the hotel would be covered with the side-benefit of his uninsured liability, saving him at the time of his need and covering him for all settlements or payouts.
Case Scenario B
As Max exited the car in Deal, NJ, the driver accidentally slammed the door into his face, causing indescribable pain and extensive injury. Even if Max would sue, nothing would be accomplished because the driver has no coverage for this type of unrelated-to-driving damage.
Consequence 1:
The driver simply does not have the wherewithal to reimburse Max for the injuries and therefore Max is left with footing his entire medical bill himself.
Consequence 2:
Max happens to have PRIME’s ACE High-Value Home Policy with the advantage of its uninsured liability. In spite of the driver’s inability to pay for damages, Max is covered for all medical expenses by his home insurance plan.
PRIME Insurance, Your High-Value Home and Insurance Security
PRIME understands the prestige you have attained. We also know that your home incorporates a lifestyle, reflective of your wealth and assets. That is why we offer an elite insurance program that secures it all – and more.
PRIME Insurance is a 3-generation family-run independent agency that is familiar with the risks involved with being a mobile park owner. We’ve won the admiration of the industry and been appointed to conduct direct business with more than 40 of the leading companies - big names like ACE, ASI, ASSURANT, CHUBB, FOREMOST, Liberty Mutual, MetLife, Plymouth Rock, PROGRESSIVE, Safeco, StillWater, Travelers, USLI, ZURICH and more. With thousands of satisfied customers, we benefit policyholders by reviewing current coverage, as well as by shopping our wide network to locate tailored coverage at competitively lowest quotes.
PRIME Insurance provides all forms of nationwide coverage, including NJ commercial property insurance, NJ cheap auto insurance, low quote commercial umbrella insurance NJ, Houston, TX commercial property insurance, flood insurance, vacant property insurance NJ, NJ renters insurance, NJ homeowners insurance, NJ bonds, NJ workers comp, NJ life insurance and more. We invite you to experience the PRIME difference by visiting us on our online insurance website or emailing us at PRIME [at] primeins [dot] com or by calling us at 732-400-5242.
Summary: Epic disasters like the recent snow avalanche catastrophe at a celebrated Italian hotel do happen. While nothing can replace the loss of life, Hi-Value Home Insurance can protect a resort from tragedy's financial devastation.
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