Homeowners insurance that includes protection against fire risks is more important than ever before. This is because the building materials used to construct a home are not as fire resistant as in previous times. The same holds true for any modern-day item within the home.
To make matters worse, the trend to build bigger more open floor plans adds significantly to the risk of a rapidly burning home, severely impacting the timespan in which an occupant can escape safely.
Take these facts in determining increased risks.
Roughly thirty years ago, residents of a burning home had approximately seventeen minutes to exit. With current housing conditions, that ‘safe’ time zone is reduced to about 3 to 4 minutes.
The experts explain the ‘burning’ issues faced by today’s homeowners.

- Not Just Brick, Wood and Mortar
Today’s homes are made up of easier to burn substances, such as particle board and other humanly constructed material. This matter is not as weighty and pricy as their natural counterparts. The downside is that they burn more rapidly. - More Spacious Homes and More Objects
Airy, high ceilings, roomy. These adjectives may sound attractive to the home buyer, but a large home has more fuel for a burning fire, not to mention the amount of things in it that add to the burning power. - Contemporary Objects, Contemporary Fire Risks
Modern day has made great strides in creating things out of materials that are both cost efficient and long lasting. Trouble is that fire rapidly consumes them.
Keeping fire safe in a contemporary home includes:
- Making sure there are strategically placed fire, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms place on every floor of the house
- Customizing a fire escape plan and practice drills
- Knowing how to safely use a space heater
- Discarding appliances that do not work properly
- Having a working fire extinguisher on each floor of the house, as well as in the garage
And don’t forget to review homeowners’ insurance plan with a professional so you know you are covered in the event of a fire makes you subject to losses.

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Summary: Today’s homes are more prone to a rapid spread of fire than those built decades ago. Learn why the homeowners insurance inclusion of fire risk is so important, as well as ways to eliminate exposure to fire.
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