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How to Eat Healthy - for Life!

Balanced Food Coverage

Well, congratulations! If you are reading this article, you demonstrate a desire to improve your eating habits. Eating right requires a certain level of education and commitment. Now that you’ve taken the initiative, you’re on the right track!

Tips to Eating Right


  • In place of eating out or buying pre-packaged food, personalize healthy choices by home cooking.

  • Avoid high-fat, high-salt, high sugar, white flour and other unhealthy ingredients. Empower yourself by reading food labels. Steer away from products with unwholesome ingredients, including ingredients that you never heard of. Be aware that high-fructose corn syrup is a real no-no that’s even worse than sugar.

  • Prepare sensible meals that have a variety of fresh, healthy ingredients, including protein, starch, vegetables and fruit. Remember that the deeper the color in vegetables and fruit the more concentration of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants!

  • Water aids in flushing out the toxins in your system as it energizes. Go ahead, drink plenty of it!

  • Eat portion-sized meals that provide proper nutrients that your body needs. Make allowance for the occasional tempting indulgence but be sure to counterbalance it by reducing your calorie intake somewhere else.


  • Satisfy hunger pangs with smart servings of vegies!

  • Don’t gobble down your food. Instead, eat slowly so that you will be able to recognize when you are genuinely satisfied.

  • Natural foods are usually high in dietary fiber. Opt for eating these because they keep your system working as it should while reducing your risk for heart disease and stroke, as well as diabetes. Whole grains, vegetables and fruit containing dietary fiber keep you feeling full and energized. They also ease the way to weight loss.
  • Eat foods that provide calcium, like dairy, green, leafy vegetables and beans.

  • Incorporate good fats into your diet. Good-for-you fats include monounsaturated fats (avocados, nuts and seeds) and polyunsaturated fats like Omega-3 (fatty fish, flaxseed and walnuts).

  • Eliminate night snacking – it’s the time you are most prone to unhealthy food binging.  Moreover, experts cite the active hours as the healthiest times to eat.


To Your Health from PRIME Insurance!

PRIME Insurance is an experienced independent family-run agency. We’ve won numerous industry-related awards and been appointed to do direct business with more than 40 of the leading insurance companies. Armed with a wide resource base, we shop the market to present you with a variety of excellent coverage options that meet your needs at competitively lowest quotes.

For all forms of nation-wide coverage, including NJ general liability insurance, auto insurance, homeowners insurance, business insurance umbrella insurance, life insurance, workers comp, bonds and more, visit us online at, PRIME [at] primeins [dot] com, or call us at 732-886-5751!


Summary: To life! PRIME Insurance Agency toasts your health with these fine tips on how to eat deliciously well!


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